The Magic Minute Episode 8: Holiday Food, Family + Politics
Happy thanksgiving! We are hitting food, family and politics in today's Magic Minute.
Kaylee gave some advice on handling family drama:
1. Set ground rules ahead of time, to talk politics or not. Especially if it's a bipartisan table, if you feel safe, go ahead and reach across the aisle. Er, we mean, table. :)
2. Stick to "I" language (I feel like/ I think....)
3. Getting too heated? Have a pre-planned temporary exit strategy.
Carolyn touched on a few points for not ending up in the food coma:
1. Move in the morning
2. Eat normal meals ahead of time
3. Have a 1 plate rule- no seconds, and no piling food to the sky.
Also, don't stress about it so much! it's just one meal, next day get back on track. Wishing you a wonderful thanksgiving. xoxo