The Magic Minute Episode 1: HANGOVER HELPERS

Too much tequila this weekend? We hear you. Catch our first MAGIC MINUTE on hangover helpers!


In it, we mention Carolyn's favorite liver protector and detoxifier, MILK THISTLE. You can take it before you go out (ideally), or the next morning. Gaia Herbs is the creme de la creme; Buy the dropper here or the pill form here. We also love COCONUT WATER- and nothing is better than Harmless Harvest..  except maybe sipping from a real coconut.

And if you need a little more aid, Kaylee's got you covered with a great yoga pose for relaxing after a night on the town. Just be careful with this pose if you have severe back issues or difficulty with your sacroiliac (SI) joint.

Supported Reclining Twist  

How does this help? It massages out the abdominal organs, stimulates digestion and detoxification, wrings out muscle tension in your neck and back and quiets your hangover head from last night’s head banging (what, like you and your friends don’t go to 80s dance parties dressed as Motley Crue too? #WeKnowYouDo #AndWeLoveThat).

What You’ll Need:

  1. Bolster or Pillow
  2. Blanket  

What You Gotta Do:

1. Sit on the floor, shins folded underneath you

2. Shift hips to the left

3. Bring knees together to the right, resting on the floor, legs curled around your right side

4. Place blanket between your knees or legs

5. Put bolster on the ground by your left hip, perpendicular to thighs

6. Bring hands to floor on either side of the bolster

7. Twist torso to the left as far as you can

 8. Lean forward until stomach, ribcage, and head are resting on bolster

9. Place right cheek on the bolster, gaze is to the left

10. Rest arms wherever feels most comfy and relaxing

11. Relax into the pose and breathe for minimum 2-3 minutes, then repeat on the other side.

*** Make sure to alter the bolster so you’re facing your favorite bad TV show, without interruption. And don’t fret, you can send us a thank you card later <3.

So what are your tried and true remedies for hangovers? And favorite TV indulgence? Let us know what you think of our first MAGIC MINUTE EPISODE and what you'd like to see!

xx, C+K