The Magic Minute Episode 4: The Sugar Shitshow

OK moody foodies, it’s time to throw a little shade on the sweet stuff, (sorry Sugars, er, or should we say Honeys, um, we mean Darlings). Check out our latest video on The Sugar Shitshow now. 


As Carolyn mentioned, the more sweet you eat, the more you crave. So you really do have to break that sweet cycle. Starting with tossing those pink/yellow/blue packets. Stevia, especially from NuNaturals is her go to in coffee. But adding cinnamon keeps a little sweet flavor without actually adding any sweet.

And we all know the sugar rush turned crash… it brings us UP and then shoots us right DOWN. And it’s not just the 7-year-old trick-or-treater that feels that sugar drop; too much sugar can make even the most adulty of all of us (ok that is not either of us) feel way moodier than usual. We’re talking irritable, anxious and depressed. And we know that sugar isn’t just in candy, but gets snuck into LOTS of otherwise unassuming foods (did you hear Car say deli meats? EW).


Even more specifically, several studies have shown over-consuming sweets, (i.e. sweetened drinks, refined foods and pastries) is linked to an increased risk of depression. We also know that it’s just not great for your brain – not just because of your moods. High blood sugar levels can negatively impact your memory and ability to learn and be a risk factor for age-related cognitive decline and dementia. Yikes.


Now, being in the health and wellness world you might think we’re being alarmists, but even John Oliver, (our fave late night Brit) did a segment condemning the stuff.


So, time to get less sweet and a little more spicy, which we are so all about in all areas of life.

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