The Magic Minute Episode 9: On Dating...

Hi Friends! 

We both have a lot to say about dating in NYC, so here is our first video (we've already received requests on online dating, which is a whole other ballgame!). Check it out below, dating 101.

A mini recap on what we talked about:

1. Don't ignore red flags! Trust your instinct. If something feels off, it's off. 

2. Stay true to YOU. Know your values and know what you're willing to compromise on.

3. Your body is your temple! Make empowered decisions. AND, dont forget to dress. like. a. goddess. We love what @babecollective has to say about this. 

4. Beware of FUTURE TRIPPING! No planning your future on date number 1 (or 2). Take things slowly (or normal paced-ly). 

5. Try something new! Do new things... and do things that you love too. 

6. Put yourself out there (a little bit!). but go in with no expectations or attachment to the outcome, just to have fun and feel proud of yourself. 

Now it's your turn! Tell us your dating stuff, we'd love to hear what it's like out there for you. xx C+K

The Magic Minute Episode 8: Holiday Food, Family + Politics

Happy thanksgiving! We are hitting food, family and politics in today's Magic Minute.


Kaylee gave some advice on handling family drama: 

1. Set ground rules ahead of time, to talk politics or not. Especially if it's a bipartisan table, if you feel safe, go ahead and reach across the aisle. Er, we mean, table. :) 

2. Stick to "I" language (I feel like/ I think....) 

3. Getting too heated? Have a pre-planned temporary exit strategy.

Carolyn touched on a few points for not ending up in the food coma:

1. Move in the morning

2. Eat normal meals ahead of time

3. Have a 1 plate rule- no seconds, and no piling food to the sky.

Also, don't stress about it so much! it's just one meal, next day get back on track. Wishing you a wonderful thanksgiving. xoxo 

The Magic Minute Episode 7: How to Kick The Sick

This week on the Magic Minute: how to kick the sick! There's so much you can do in the first 24 hours of being sick to make it pass quickly. Check out our video: 

1. hydrate like crazy. 80+ oz, tea counts

2. greens, greens, greens. The more the better, get them in at least 2x/day

3. Apple cider vinegar (not all are created equal, love Vermont Organic, it's way smoother than Braggs) or Fire Cider  or a ginger lemon shot from your local juice bar.

4. Sweat it out! A hot bath with Pursoma's bath salts is fantastic and I love an infrared sauna like higherDOSE.

5. REST!! Take the day off of work and sleep. Your body needs to recalibrate, so take it as a sign to have a day of Netflix. 

Beyond what we discussed in our video, Kaylee has some tips too!

Tongue scraping is an Ayurvedic tool that helps rid yourself of toxins that build up overnight while you sleep -- you know, that white gooey layer on your tongue in the mornings?! To prevent myself from getting sick, I make sure to tongue scrape before brushing my teeth daily. If you brush your tongue, it just moves the gunk around, so consider investing in a tongue scraper, you can get one on Amazon for $4-10 (I personally like Dr. Tung's since it comes with a carrier bag. Tré sophisticated. Not.)

Also, investing in a neti pot can do wonders! Neti pots help clear out excess mucus and debri from nasal passages. It's also an Ayurvedic practice that can be used daily, and it's particularly helpful when you have a cold or other sinus issues. Make sure to read up on how to use it properly and to make sure it's the right practice for you. These are so mainstream at this point, you can pick one up at your local pharmacy/Duane Reade. 

And if you're looking for a physical pose, Reclining Bound Angle / Butterfly (supta baddha konasana) is a great restorative posture for when you're not feeling great, but still want some yoga practice in your life. It's a major relaxer, it stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system (the system that tells us "it's time to chill"), stretches the inner thighs, opens the hips, enhances circulation to the vital organs in the lower belly (particularly the ones in charge of elimination and reproduction) and is an incredibly soothing chest opener (not bad for when you have a chest cold!) Be careful if you have any knee injuries or back pain, which is also why I love to use props, like bolsters and blankets. I like Yoga Journal's  detailed guide on getting into the posture if you're trying this at home. 


Speaking of being home, find yourself without blocks? Use a stack of books! No bolster? Grab a pillow from your couch! This photo shows how to get crafty if you're not ready to invest in studio style props.

Light some candles and turn on the heat (especially in the winter, if you're staying in the position for 10 mins or so, can get chilly when you're not moving). If you want some extra support, put a book or two under your thighs/knees or belt yourself from waist to feet to help your knees from slipping too far out. Place a folded blanket under your head, and place one on top of you to get nice and cozy. And... Voila! A restorative oasis in your living room. Or bedroom. Or bathroom. (Hey, anywhere that works when you're feeling sick, right?) 

Let us know what you do when you're feeling sick, and what helps you!  

The Magic Minute Episode 6: We Got The Funk

You feeling the fall funk, cold weather blues, getting-dark-early depression a little more than usual?  Most of us have been taught our whole lives that only happy feelings are acceptable, and the sad or “downer” feelings are not.

But, we ALL have ALL the feelings. And ALL feelings hold critical information and opportunity for growth. So what can we do? Embrace the funk. Cue the George Clinton song

Like Kaylee talked about in today’s Magic Minute:

Step 1. Identify the feeling and be specific. If you’re feeling “down”, notice what’s different about this emotion vs. other feelings, recognize all of the nuances. Notice where the feelings are in your body– like when I’m anxious, I feel a lock in my throat and my palms get sweaty.

Check out this feelings wheel. It’s a great way to help you play “Name That Feeling!” Alex Trebek may not be there, but you can be Vanna if you wanna.

Step 2. Radically accept the feelings. Yes, be RADICAL about it! You don’t have to like or enjoy them, but try not to judge them. Notice the automatic desire to distinguish the feeling(s) as either “good” or “bad” and try to make some room for the shades of gray (cue the 50 shades joke.) Remember, YOU are not the feeling. A feeling is a fleeting experience that will come and go, it does not define you. That’s why I try to say “I feel” instead of “I am” when describing my emotions, so “I feel angry”, not “I am angry”.

Step 3. Find a safe space to sit with the feeling(s). You thinking, huh? Here are some ideas.  

  • Cry or let yourself sob
  • Meditate
  • Write a long drawn out angry letter expressing everything (and never send it)  
  • Journal every thought and feeling that’s popping up, don’t lift your pen from the paper
  • Call a loved one and vent
  • Put on your fave emo song (maybe it’s old school, but I still love Alanis)
  • Do some eyes closed yoga or see a yoga therapist
  • Go into a private space alone and sit with your feelings (or scream… whatever comes most naturally :) )
  • Call a therapist
  • See an acupuncturist

** Carolyn mentioned how much acupuncture and herbs helped her in our video. If you’re interested, our favorites are:

As you allow the feeling(s) to be present, notice any thoughts, memories or images that come up. Often after we “feel the feels”, we gain insight into some of the root causes. Working with a professional to help you make sense of these insights can often be helpful. Hopefully, you’ll notice feeling it wasn’t nearly as scary or formidable as you originally imagined.

Although this is a practice to stop controlling our feelings so much, this is also a practice in learning how to better manage and respond to our feelings. By allowing ourselves to fully embrace our feelings, it gives us some space and time to figure out what’s really happening internally, so we can RESPOND to life’s ever changing sitcoms from a place of knowing, instead of from a place of ignorance and fear.  

*Please note, if you're struggling with your feelings more often than not, and/or notice it's significantly impacting your life, we suggest reaching out for a professional assessment from a licensed mental health professional, such as a psychotherapist like Kaylee and/or a psychiatrist in your area.

The Magic Minute Episode 5: How To Debloat Quickly

Feeling a little puffy/bloated/fat faced? We here you. Whether you were the wedding guest of the year or just got off a flight or were reallllly loving the Mexican food and salted margaritas last night, there's a lot you can do in a day to help get rid of feeling like a puffer fish. Today's Magic Minute is on how to debloat, quickly. 


Carolyn talked about a few of her favorite items:

Also, sweat. it. out. It always helps us recalibrate after too much fun. Peace out puffiness! xx

The Magic Minute Episode 4: The Sugar Shitshow

OK moody foodies, it’s time to throw a little shade on the sweet stuff, (sorry Sugars, er, or should we say Honeys, um, we mean Darlings). Check out our latest video on The Sugar Shitshow now. 


As Carolyn mentioned, the more sweet you eat, the more you crave. So you really do have to break that sweet cycle. Starting with tossing those pink/yellow/blue packets. Stevia, especially from NuNaturals is her go to in coffee. But adding cinnamon keeps a little sweet flavor without actually adding any sweet.

And we all know the sugar rush turned crash… it brings us UP and then shoots us right DOWN. And it’s not just the 7-year-old trick-or-treater that feels that sugar drop; too much sugar can make even the most adulty of all of us (ok that is not either of us) feel way moodier than usual. We’re talking irritable, anxious and depressed. And we know that sugar isn’t just in candy, but gets snuck into LOTS of otherwise unassuming foods (did you hear Car say deli meats? EW).


Even more specifically, several studies have shown over-consuming sweets, (i.e. sweetened drinks, refined foods and pastries) is linked to an increased risk of depression. We also know that it’s just not great for your brain – not just because of your moods. High blood sugar levels can negatively impact your memory and ability to learn and be a risk factor for age-related cognitive decline and dementia. Yikes.


Now, being in the health and wellness world you might think we’re being alarmists, but even John Oliver, (our fave late night Brit) did a segment condemning the stuff.


So, time to get less sweet and a little more spicy, which we are so all about in all areas of life.

Leave questions and comments below, we’d love to hear from you!

The Magic Minute Episode 3: How To Stay COOL (when it's really hot)

Summer's officially over, but Holy Shitali are we still feeling HOT, HOT, HOT! 


There’s being hot and sexy, and then there’s being hot and sweaty.  In this week’s Magic Minute, Kaylee is teaching us How to Stay Cool using a yoga breath technique named, you guessed it, Shitali. Check out the video to see how it’s done.

Shitali breathing can help you stay cool, in more ways than one. These breaths significantly cool down your body, soothe hunger and thirst (helps with indigestion!), and reduce bad breath, fevers, fatigue and high blood pressure.

Try Shitali breathing for 2-3 minutes to start. If you want more, take a break, and then try another 2-3 minutes. Gradually you can take the practice up to 10 minutes over time. And if you’re looking for other antidotes to help you stay lookin’ and feelin’ cool, Carolyn’s got your back. Even if it’s a little sweaty…

Foods and drinks can seriously effect your body temperature; think of over doing hot sauce. Luckily we have plenty of foods to cool you down too, starting with the obvious, ice water. DRINK UP on hot days, you need it. Beyond that, there is a reason we say "cool as a cucumber". Cuc's are one of the most cooling foods around. We also love watermelon, lemon, and dark leafy greens. Mint is also a great one, try iced mint tea or even better, combining a few of above and make a watermelon-cucumber-mint salad while we still have watermelon in season!

That's all for now, stay cool - countdown to sweater season is ON.

**Please note, We don’t suggest Shitali breath if you have low blood pressure, suffer from Asthma or have a cold, cough or other respiratory related issues. 

The Magic Minute Episode 2: How To Get Out Of A Bad Mood FAST

Still not over the Sunday blues? Or Maybe it’s a case of the Mondays this week? We've been there. Check out MAGIC MINUTE número DOS on how to get out of a bad mood (FAST!).  

We're covering Kaylee's quick mood shifter, THE BREATH OF JOY*, a yoga breath technique known to uplift and bring on those happy happy, joy joy feelings. It can increase oxygen levels in your bloodstream, bring balance to your nervous system, and spread feelings of energy, vitality and inner fire. Woohoo!

While doing this breath work, you have to SMILE. Even if you don't feel like smiling, or should we say especially if you don't feel like smiling, smile anyways. This is a therapy skill called opposite action where you do the opposite of what you're feeling to help counteract being upset or in a bad mood. So, “fake it till you make itdoes have some merit after all

The BREATH OF JOY can be done practically anywhere (minus the subway during rush hour). We suggest 20-30 seconds, or about 9 times to start, going up from there. We don't suggest this if you have high blood pressure or suffer from any type of head or eye injuryAlso, if you start to feel light-headed, stop for a minute and just come to normal breathing.

And, FOOD is a major factor in your mood, there are some foods to boost and some to skip if youre feeling the blues in a big way. Here are Carolyns faves: 



TURMERIC: Research shows this orange spice has benefits similar to Prozac (an anti depressant) in higher doses. As someone whos struggled with depression and seasonal affective disorder, adding turmeric in daily has changed my life. Sprinkle it in everywhere from smoothies and juices to salad dressings and marinades - but beware, it can turn your hands yellow and screw up your manicure, so use a spoon. If you dont know how to deal with the root, the crème de la crème brand is Wakaya turmeric, which we sell at Foodtrainers here. Get turmeric in every day OR take curcumin (the active compound) in supplement form.  

WATER: The most boring, I know, but every cell in your glowing body depends on being well hydrated, and very few of us are. Water makes us more awake and energized and is a super simple (and free) mood booster. If water is "blah" to you, whip a batch of spa water (add cucs, lemon, mint etc) and leave on your desk to remind you to drink. Sparkling water and tea count too. Aim for 80 oz/day.

PROBIOTIC & FERMENTED FOODS: Your gut is your second brain, and all of your happy neurotransmitters begin here. So its essential that youre on a great probiotic supplement (I love Advanced Naturals brand) and you should try to eat at least one fermented food daily like miso, kombucha, yogurt, pickled veggies or sauerkraut, kimchi, or kefir.

SO there you have your to-do list, but a few foods can make you feel the blahs a little extra: excess sugar, caffeine and booze. Yup I hate to tell you, when youre down, cocktails and ice cream will make you feel even downer so try to be extra kind to yourself when you least feel like it.

PSmake sure you are getting in some exercise that you love tootheres nothing like endorphins to make you feel great. Happier days are ahead!! And follow us on insta for some daily mood boosts @the.magic.minute.

*Please note, if you're dealing with bad moods more often than not, and notice it's significantly impacting your life, these may or may not be signs of clinical depression. If so, we suggest reaching out for a professional assessment from a licensed mental health professional, such as a psychotherapist like Kaylee and/or a psychiatrist in your area.

The Magic Minute Episode 1: HANGOVER HELPERS

Too much tequila this weekend? We hear you. Catch our first MAGIC MINUTE on hangover helpers!


In it, we mention Carolyn's favorite liver protector and detoxifier, MILK THISTLE. You can take it before you go out (ideally), or the next morning. Gaia Herbs is the creme de la creme; Buy the dropper here or the pill form here. We also love COCONUT WATER- and nothing is better than Harmless Harvest..  except maybe sipping from a real coconut.

And if you need a little more aid, Kaylee's got you covered with a great yoga pose for relaxing after a night on the town. Just be careful with this pose if you have severe back issues or difficulty with your sacroiliac (SI) joint.

Supported Reclining Twist  

How does this help? It massages out the abdominal organs, stimulates digestion and detoxification, wrings out muscle tension in your neck and back and quiets your hangover head from last night’s head banging (what, like you and your friends don’t go to 80s dance parties dressed as Motley Crue too? #WeKnowYouDo #AndWeLoveThat).

What You’ll Need:

  1. Bolster or Pillow
  2. Blanket  

What You Gotta Do:

1. Sit on the floor, shins folded underneath you

2. Shift hips to the left

3. Bring knees together to the right, resting on the floor, legs curled around your right side

4. Place blanket between your knees or legs

5. Put bolster on the ground by your left hip, perpendicular to thighs

6. Bring hands to floor on either side of the bolster

7. Twist torso to the left as far as you can

 8. Lean forward until stomach, ribcage, and head are resting on bolster

9. Place right cheek on the bolster, gaze is to the left

10. Rest arms wherever feels most comfy and relaxing

11. Relax into the pose and breathe for minimum 2-3 minutes, then repeat on the other side.

*** Make sure to alter the bolster so you’re facing your favorite bad TV show, without interruption. And don’t fret, you can send us a thank you card later <3.

So what are your tried and true remedies for hangovers? And favorite TV indulgence? Let us know what you think of our first MAGIC MINUTE EPISODE and what you'd like to see!

xx, C+K